The Pine Grove Cemetery

The Pine Grove Cemetery is located in Soo Township, on the corner of 6 Mile Road and Mackinac Trail. The North Branch of the Charlotte River runs through the cemetery. As of January 1, 2010, the Pine Grove Cemetery is owned and operated by Soo Township.
February 23, 1893 was the first meeting of the Pine Grove Cemetery Association. Per articles of the first agreement of the Pine Grove Cemetery, there were nine members on the Board of Directors.
The cemetery was managed by an Association made up of nine Board Members until it officially became owned and operated by Soo Township. Many changes have taken place since it was acquired by the Township. Roads have been improved, dead and overgrown trees have been removed, the task of straightening and leveling of stones has begun, new signage has been installed and a new garage has been built.
On July 18, 1996, the Michigan Historical Commission listed the cemetery in the State Register of Historic Sites. The following Civil War Veterans are buried at Pine Grove Cemetery:
Robert Grey
Homer Hodge
James Jones
George Daney Strickland
William Sweet
James Troutt
Frank Zigler
The cemetery is open from May to October, weather permitting.
If you would like to purchase a lot or have questions regarding the location of a gravesite, you can call the Manager, Tom Thoresen at 632-7300 or the Sexton, Harold McKenzie at 632-6643.
Map of the cemetery

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Cemetery Ordinance
Pine Grove Cemetery Map